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  • 恭賀初年級當代舞校隊於第六十屆學校舞蹈節 小學組當代舞(群舞)榮獲甲級獎

恭賀初年級當代舞校隊於第六十屆學校舞蹈節 小學組當代舞(群舞)榮獲甲級獎

日期: 01/03/2024

恭賀初年級當代舞校隊於第六十屆學校舞蹈節 小學組當代舞(群舞)榮獲甲級獎

舞蹈名稱:I Wish






A pleasing team of performers. Rhythmical arrangement with nice use of patterns and footsteps.

  Excellent co-operation between the dancers. Well done!



校隊成員 :    

1B   陳韋廷、黎天瑜  1C    黎琛弦  1D  黃頌閔、林子晴、曾欣彤  1E   謝日楠

2A   蔣綽殷、方心瑜  2B   李美思  2D   吳恩遇、黃心媱、嚴逸信  2E  何子喬、何子悠、梁淏斐

3A   劉悦延  3B 金殷彤  3C 陳恩琦、錢以心、唐霽初、謝信家

3D   張子淇、何晞妍  3E    莊蔚溋


Title: Congratulations to the Junior Contemporary Dance School Team on winning Class A Award in the 60th School Dance Festival, Elementary School Division, Contemporary Dance (Group Dance).


Dance Title: I Wish


Dance Introduction: In the pursuit of dreams, hopes, and love, we encounter setbacks and difficulties. But we must remember that every fall is an opportunity to rise stronger and continue leaping forward, chasing those shimmering dreams.


The Junior Contemporary Dance School Team participated in the School Dance Festival for the first time. With the efforts of twenty-five adorable team members, they overcame their nervousness and showcased brilliant confident smiles on stage, presenting a flawless dance they had trained for months. We are grateful for the judges' encouragement and feedback. The team members will continue to train hard, strive for progress, learn attentively from the guidance of the choreographer, and present even more spectacular performances in the future.


"The performance went smoothly! Proficient practice, well-coordinated movements with the music..."

"The students' performance was dedicated, with focused energy. The dance had a smooth transition between dynamic and static movements, and the students displayed disciplined coordination..."

"A pleasing team of performers. Rhythmical arrangement with nice use of patterns and footsteps. Excellent cooperation between the dancers. Well done!"

"We really liked the color coordination of the costumes and the final part of the group dance. It was simple, direct, and filled with positive energy! Very touching!"

