高年級當代舞校隊_第六十屆學校舞蹈節 小學組當代舞(群舞)優等獎
日期: 01/03/2024
恭賀高年級當代舞校隊於第六十屆學校舞蹈節 小學組當代舞(群舞)優等獎
校隊成員 :
班別 | 學號 | 姓名 | 班別 | 學號 | 姓名 |
4A | 10 | 霍玥妍 | 4E | 19 | 王嘉怡 |
4A | 27 | 崔芷琪 | 5A | 3 | 陳鎂昕 |
4B | 8 | 林曉晴 | 5D | 8 | 關凱桐 |
4B | 11 | 劉芷彤 | 5D | 10 | 劉婕妮 |
4B | 14 | 梁希玥 | 5E | 4 | 鍾繼樂 |
4B | 20 | 譚卓盈 | 6A | 29 | 黃奕嘉 |
4B | 25 | 黃可兒 | 6B | 26 | 謝詠欣 |
4B | 31 | 楊曦謠 | 6C | 7 | 關睿喬 |
4C | 2 | 陳希妍 | 6D | 12 | 李天嵐 |
4C | 5 | 蔡羲沂 | 6D | 18 | 石寶楹 |
4C | 20 | 謝綽鍶 | 6E | 20 | 吳琦 |
4D | 15 | 李卓鍶 | 6E | 27 | 黃天同 |
Congratulations to the senior contemporary dance team of our school on receiving the Excellence Award in the Primary School Division of the 60th School Dance Festival.
Dance Name: "Let the colours fly"
Dance Description: Monotonous and repetitive routines make life dull. However, within each individual lies infinite colours waiting to be discovered. A single person's change can make the world different. Hey! Let the colors fly!
The senior contemporary dance team has won the Excellence Award for two consecutive years. The team members train for 4 hours per week, and they participate in each training session with a serious and focused attitude. They have solid dance foundations, thanks to the professional and meticulous guidance of the choreographer. The members of the contemporary dance team will continue to strive and train hard.