
School-based positive education curriculum

To more effectively promote the development of positive life education, our school has specially established a 'Positive Education Task Team' to coordinate, advance the school-based curriculum and diverse activities related to positive education. In terms of curriculum development, our school collaborates with the Positive Research Center at City University of Hong Kong and has made school-based adaptations. Currently, the curriculum has been extended to cover grade one to grade six.

School-based positive extension activities

The school has implemented 'school-based positive extension activities' at all levels, allowing students to empathize with the variability and meaning of life, and to learn gratitude. Examples include the fifth-grade 'Practice Love' activity and the sixth-grade 'Goodbye Alma Mater' activity, among others.

由 2022 年 1 月 1 日開始,本校進行每日升旗及每週升旗禮,並於元旦日(1 月 1 日)、香港特別行政區成立紀念日(7 月 1 日)和國慶日 (10 月 1 日)升掛國旗,以顯示對國家的尊重和提升師生的國家觀念。及促進對學生的國民教育及培養學生的國家觀念和民族感情,以及加強學生對國民身份的認同。此外,在學校開學禮及畢業禮等活動也會升掛國旗及奏唱國歌。於升掛國旗時,全校師生會保持肅立和舉止莊重,同唱國歌,以示對國家的尊重,及展現他們作為國民的良好素養。
  • 每週升旗禮有一級學生現場參與校長講話,全校師生參與神舟15升空直播

  • 其他級別學生在課室觀看直播內容。


Allow students to experience diligence (value learning) through tidying up the classroom, thereby gaining a sense of fulfillment and understanding the importance of collaboration with others.

Creative Spring Festival Couplets to Welcome Chinese New Year

1.Through the writing of Spring Festival couplets, students will learn about the customs, origins and significance of traditional Chinese festivals.

2.Through the writing of Spring Festival couplets, introduce the Character Star (Creativity) and encourage students to express their creativity by creating unique couplets.




  • 公益少年團會員大會

  • 電影欣賞會暨徵文比賽

  • 小學專題活動戶外學習日
