Co-curricular Activities

  1. 透過多元化的課外活動,使學生善用餘暇,培養學生多方面之興趣,發揮其個人潛能,讓學生獲得均衡發展,令學校生活更為充實豐富。
  2. 透過不同類型的學習活動,提供機會讓學生認識社會,增廣見聞,擴闊知識領域,從而豐富學生的生活及學習經驗。
  3. 提供不同的表演機會以提升學生自信心及校內同學間之互相欣賞文化。
  1. To encourage students to develop hobbies in their free time through the provision of a variety of extra-curricular activities. Helping them achieve a balanced development and reach their potential in all aspects, while simultaneously enriching their school life
  2. To organise a variety of learning activities to help students learn about society and to have a broadened horizon, enriching their lives and learning experience
  3. To organise a variety of learning activities to help students learn about society and broaden their horizon, enriching their lives and learning experience
  4. To provide performance opportunities for students to boost their confidence and cultivate a culture of appreciation among students
Major Concerns of the Year

Providing performance opportunities for students to boost their confidence and cultivate a culture of appreciation among students

Teachers in Charge
Team members

梁嘉儀主任、 洪媲琳主任、 吳慧群主任、 王慧儀老師
