Values Education Team


Values education is an essential component of holistic education. This group is committed to cultivating students' correct values and attitudes, coordinating various learning domains and subject curricula within the school, and planning diverse activities to help students recognize relevant values, conduct objective analysis and reasonable judgment, and put them into practice when facing various challenges during their growth process.

We are dedicated to promoting twelve priority values and attitudes, including "Perseverance", "Respect for Others", "Responsibility", "National Identity", "Commitment", "Integrity" , "Benevolence", "Law-abidingness" , "Empathy" , "Diligence"(Newly added in November 2021) ,"Unity" and “Filial Piety”. These are important directions for advancing Values education.

The Values education provided by our group is based on Chinese culture and encompasses multiple interdisciplinary educational areas, moral education, civic education, national education (including Constitution, Basic Law and national security education), anti-drug education, life education, sex education, media and information literacy education, education for sustainable development, human rights education under the legal framework, etc.

The work of our group includes

1. Exploring the annual themes of core values and attitudes for the school.

2. Organizing a "Value Poster Parent-Child Design Competition."

3. Planning and coordinating school-wide and interdisciplinary/cross-group Values education activities, such as sex education seminars, curriculum integration, and drug prevention activities.

4. Promoting the "Caring School" service learning program.

5. Hosting "Parent-Child Time" activities.

6. Advocating for a "Whole School Health Program."

7. Coordinating student career development activities: secondary school transition seminars and interview workshops.

